

One of the most mysterious phenomena - the geometrical pictures periodically appearing on our agricultural fields. Till now, it is not known what forces make it.
Character of figures, their correct geometrical forms, allows (force) to consider as quite real hypothesis about them not a natural origin. In this connection it is represented expedient to not limit our researches only a task of search - «catching of artists-draftsmen». Quite probably, that it is a problem not our technological level (anyway, meanwhile). It is represented expedient to try to answer to them. It is necessary to draw beside our figures. As the first answer it is possible to offer record of the equation: «.. +.. =…. » - two points, a sign plus, two points, a sign equally, four points. Points should be as big circles.
We can also to make our figures more compact and clear, dot groups can be drawn vertically. Four points, on corners of a square.
It is possible it (is necessary) to depict area (rectangular) as a place for the expected answer. Our vis-a-vis should estimate sense of such framework correctly. The indication of area will allow to organize an effective control, to eliminate all «our jokers» and other "our" idiots. In a framework it is possible to give - to draw a partial question-answer. We shall give a part of the equation: three points plus three …

It is obvious, that only not natural forces can give-draw a right answer.

Developing this direction, it is necessary to consider the following «world outlook circumstance». We should not take a fancy of idea that we are God’s choices. In scales of the Universe we can be looked "rather modestly". Quite probably, we are fooled (joked) by those who is left for supervision over us. They can not only be surprised of our invitation to contact, they can even to be frightened. Quite probably their civilization know the result of contact two thousand years ago. The main adherent was crucifixed. It is quite probable, that contact to us is not authorized "from above". Therefore, we should be cautious and delicate, understanding, that they can give to us much more than we to them. Just as the miserable inspector of a zoo, - to the noblest animals. Besides our "nobleness" it is known, - someone to crucifix, or to dump a nuclear bomb.