Principle  of  construction  o f the  road  cover  and  road  part  of  the  transport  vehicle,  combining  stability  of  movement  on  the  ways  having  guides  (rails)  with  an  opportunity  of  individual  change  of  course  on  the  road  without  guides.


Shulga V.I.


The road cover is formed by series of parallel guides (rails). Supporting units (wheels) of the road part of the vehicle are in succession removed from one lines on another, then (or simultaneously) all transport platform moves also.


Generally, the road and the basic vehicle part are assumed as two conjugate undulating surfaces, one of which (vehicle) can "start up" its wave transversally, being shifted thus in the opposite direction.


It is necessary to remind that one of principal virtues of the road with guide is the design opportunity to transfer energy to the vehicle from the outside - «from the road» …